
The actual version of the plugin contains built-it reports, available after plugin’s activation in menu Reports. These reports may be defined int the plugin itself for kernel data or in other plugins, including Custom with self-written reports.

The plugin provides right now a single built-in report Processes. Beside that reports have the following plugins.


Reports do not require some additional configuration except of restricting them using standard permissions system.

report permissions


Each report is represented with a separated item in the main menu. On the top placed kernel-related reports, after reports of different plugin. The last item opens old-style JSP Reports.

report menu

After choosing a report, it is opened as a separated tool, providing some filters and representation.

report processes

Some reports provide diagrams support. They can be chosen using extra button.

report processes diagram menu

Diagrams visualize the actual shown data in graphic forms.

report processes diagram


Reports are implemented with unified Action MVC API. Each report extends Java class org.bgerp.plugin.report.action.ReportActionBase. Source codes of existing reports may be used as examples for development of new.

As an report example you can have a look on the following files which together make built-it Processes report:

The relationships between the different parts of report are shown in the diagram below.

JSP Reports

This is a simplified self-developed report system with the following specifics:

  • all report logic and view included in a single JSP file

  • complex report permissions handling using permission option

  • no diagrams supported


For each JSP add the following configuration block.



  • <id> - unique numeric report’s ID

  • <title> - title

  • <jsp> - path to JSP file, placed in Custom webapps

Configuration example, using JSP from the default custom GIT.

report:report.{@inc:cnt}.title=Example JSP Report


All the JSP reports are shown in a single tool running by Reports / JSP Reports menu item. A needed report has to be selected in the top-placed combo box.

jsp reports
The example JSP report is not translated to English yet.
jsp report example

Migration of old JSP reports

As there is no way to declare API used in JSP in deprecated, after updating from old app versions you may find your reports broken. Here are the typical replacement patterns for making them running again.






openUrlToParent( formUrl( this.form ), $(this.form) )

$$.ajax.load(this, $(this.form).parent())