Class ProcessType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<ProcessType>, Id<Integer>, IdTitle<Integer>, Title, TreeItem<Integer,ProcessType>

public class ProcessType extends TreeItem<Integer,ProcessType> implements Comparable<ProcessType>
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessType

      public ProcessType()
    • ProcessType

      public ProcessType(int id, String title)
  • Method Details

    • getProperties

      public TypeProperties getProperties()
    • setProperties

      public void setProperties(TypeProperties properties)
    • isUseParentProperties

      public boolean isUseParentProperties()
    • setUseParentProperties

      public void setUseParentProperties(boolean useParentProperties)
    • getPath

      public List<ProcessType> getPath()
    • getSelectedChildIds

      public Set<Integer> getSelectedChildIds(Set<Integer> typeSet)
      Selects process type IDs with filter by other IDs.
      typeSet - the filter set, if a type ID is there, it has been added together with all its child IDs.
    • sub

      public ProcessType sub(Collection<ProcessType> typeList)
    • sub

      public ProcessType sub(Set<Integer> typeIds)
      Recursive copy of the tree with selected nodes with paths nodes to them
      typeIds - each node is chosen, when presented in the set or any child is there
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(ProcessType o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<ProcessType>
    • isRootNode

      protected boolean isRootNode()
      Specified by:
      isRootNode in class TreeItem<Integer,ProcessType>