All Classes and Interfaces

Action log listener.
DAO for adding action log records and fluent search.
Action log record.
HTTP request calling action.
Action's registry
Action, a class with methods, called by HTTP
Overwritten ActionServlet, loads actions for enabled plugins.
Annotation for marking action classes.
Base class for all address related entities.
EMail addresses recipients parser and serializer.
Street, area or quarter.
Socket listener for managing running app.
Срочное сообщение об ошибке, отправляемое по почте.
Asterisk event listener.
Simple IP based anti-spam.
Singleton object with applications license.
Map for storing HTTP request parameters, for a string key may be presented multiple values.
Тип реквизита.
Типы реквизитов ранее не хранились в БД, а заводились в конфиге.
User authorization event.
Servlet auth filter.
Auth result.
Annotation to mark created by name classes.
DAO в основном для вызова из Web - возвращает результат единообразно в виде XML документа, в т.ч.
Unexpected situation, shown to user and written in log.
Incorrect action parameters.
Localized message, shown to end user and not written in log.
Message exception without localization of the message.
Suspicious situation, to be monitored.
Blow board.
In-memory cache and factory of itself
Cache holder
Base class for all charts.
Two dimensional chart.
DB cleaner.
Event sent to the front end where should be processed with a JS handler.
Report's column.
List of report's columns.
Results of java compilation.
Java compiler wrapper.
Configuration, created on demand in ConfigMap.getConfig(Class) and cached before it has changed.
JSP reports configuration.
The exception, thrown on empty configuration.
Key - value strings map.
Set with DB connections, taken from a pool on demand.
Контакт для отправки сообщений
Все действия, относящиеся только к манипуляции данными договора на стороне биллинга перенести в ContractAction.
Сообщение о необходимости открыть вкладку договора, либо обновить, если она уже открыта.
Runnable task, performing optimizations in permission storing tables Tables.TABLE_USER_PERMISSION and Tables.TABLE_PERMSET_PERMISSION.
Delete not existing actions.
Customization manager.
Customer object.
Задача планировщика импорта контрагента с серверов биллингов.
Customer groups are not visible in interface for now.
Customer links used for now only for storing linked contract for plugin BGBilling.
Open customer in UI or refresh if already opened.
Событие о изменении в названии контрагента, для обновления упоминаний контрагента в браузере клиента.
Раскрашивает календарь(datetimepicker) dayColorList месяцы с 1 по 12 List test = new ArrayList(); if( e.getNewDate().getMonth() > 2 ) { test.add( new DateInfo( "11-1", "red", "red" ) ); test.add( new DateInfo( "11-11", "green", "" ) ); test.add( new DateInfo( "11-21", "blue", "123" ) ); test.add( new DateInfo( "11-25", "", "123fsdgfdfgdf" ) ); } e.getForm().setResponseData( "dayColorList", test );
Данные для подсоединения к биллингу.
Default configurable event processor.
HTTP request execution's context, contains: request, DB connection and response data.
Annotation is used for marking elements, called from JSP templates or JEXL scripts.
Empty action, does nothing except passing to a JSP in parameter.
Plugin's endpoints related constants and methods.
Атрибут/параметр - адрес.
Контакт для EntityAttrEmail.
App's event.
Calendar day event.
Event listener.
Event processor, implementing Singleton and Observable patterns.
Time type, e.g.: work, holyday, weekend.
Executer of SQL queries for updating DB structure.
Process executor - user or group.
JEXL expression processor.
JEXL context variable, having access to the context.
Expression provider running JEXL script.
DB table entity with file metadata: ID, title, upload time.
Files DAO.
Files accessor, allowing to see and remove directory files.
Provides files from parameters for adding to messages.
Provides files with print forms for adding to messages.
Files statistic.
Caching counter of quantity of DB records.
Fulltext init for doing indexing of tables.
Updates full-text indexes.
Событие пуллинга, генерируется для каждого работающего пользователя, очень часто.
Сервлет позволяет получить из информацию об адресах из БД (страны, города, районы, кварталы, улицы и дома), измененные после определенной даты.
Basic entity with unique integer ID.
Entity with String or Integer ID.
Item with localized title.
Tree node base class.
Interface element for an object: process, customer, etc.
Installed module's properties, stored in files in application JAR.
Installer util, running from command line.
Parse changes info out of NGINX directory listing HTML.
Change info.
Processor of a ZIP file with updates.
Installer of update modules.
Types of user interfaces.
Invoice DAO.
Builder DAO for retrieving next invoice counter number.
Fluent invoice search DAO.
Action method invoker.
User isolation config.
Board's cell.
Last modification DAO.
Supporting class for handling LDAP attributes.
LDAP auth.
License for plugins.
License state event.
SQL LIKE patterns generators for a substring.
Слушатель события перед изменениями привязок.
List parameter value.
A localization unit, loaded from l10n.xml for a plugin.
Translator to a wanted language using many Localization sequentially.
Lock edited resource for a editor used.
Logging wrapper around Log4j version 1 with additional functions from version 2.
Inherited Logger for access the parent's constructor only.
Factory setting additivity to false for configured loggers.
List of logged in user sessions.
E-Mail configuration.
E-Mail sender from BGERP.
Maintenance application' state.
Displayable process queue column.
Message with title.
Configuration for open feedback messages.
E-Mail content creator.
Message DAO.
Open message for processing.
IMAP message parser.
Search types of possible processes.
Fluent DAO for message search.
Handler of GetPoolTasksEvent, sends to the client side events with type MessageOpenEvent to open message processing card.
Обработчик событий для регистрации звонка внешним HTTP запросом.
Message type and settings of Slack.
Calendar mode.
Installation module information.
File with update module.
Migrates old files in 'filestorage' to sub-directories yyyy/MM/dd.
Unread messages and news state.
Number generator.
Files fluent options.
Sorting comparators.
Pagination data.
Pagination supporting list.
Subscription configuration for paid invoices.
Класс "пара".
BGBilling address parameter value.
Событие генерируется после изменения параметра.
Событие генерируется перед изменением параметра, при этом в базе ещё старое значение параметра.
Parameter types enum.
Value of parameter with type address.
Объект, найденный по значению параметра.
Parameter value.
u:param inside of u:newInstance
Parameter values DAO.
Wrapper for ParamValueDAO with an object context.
Party DAO.
Processor for substitution patterns like
DAO with month tables support.
Exception must be thrown from action method existing only in action.xml file.
Permissions tree node, allowing one or more actions.
JSP tag, used also as static object for checking action's allowance.
Subscription plugin.
Special plugin for application's kernel.
Parent class for all the plugins.
Singleton plugin loader and storage.
Generator of invoice positions.
ConcurrentHashMap based implementation of ConfigMap.
Dynamically builds of PreparedStatement.
Configuration for open processes.
Process was changed, the UI entity has to be opened or updated if already is open.
Класс выполняет базовые операции над процессом.
Fluent DAO for cloning processes.
The opened process UI entity has to be closed.
Процесс создан привязанным другому процессу.
Сообщение о необходимости перейти в текущую выбранную очередь процессов (если открыты очереди процессов) и обновить её.
Process related executor with group and role.
Retrieving a file, announced in ProcessFilesEvent.getAnnouncedFiles().
Get files for attaching to message.
Process execution groups.
Link another object to a process.
Process links DAO.
JEXL script functions for ProcessLinkDAO.
Process link to another process.
Fluent DAO for selection parent or child linked processes.
Fluent DAO for selection processes by links.
New message, added to a process.
Сообщение о необходимости открыть вкладку процесса, либо обновить, если она уже открыта.
Processor may be defined in two ways: name of an extending class, used normally inInterface.USER interface; page URL pointing to an action.
Fluent DAO for selection processes by parameter values.
Configuration for open process queues.
Fluent process search DAO.
In-memory process types cache.
Операции со свойствами вида ключ - значение, сохраняемыми в БД.
Password utilities.
SQL query execution DAO.
Query execution resulting table.
Simple prefix-based query type detector.
Проверяет число на попадание в набор диапазонов, заданных в виде: n1,n2-n3, n4.
Generator a short process description.
Checks string to one of configured regexps.
JSP report configuration.
Action for supporting JSP reports.
Parent action for all reports.
Selects children classes of ReportActionBase over all plugins.
Wrapper class around CommonDAO for SQL work.
HTTP response object, may be JSON serialized.
Событие, генерирующееся при запуске динамического класса посредством HTTP запроса.
Java class, listed in user UI to be run.
Runner of OS commands, writing STDOUT and STDERR outputs to a log with levels INFO and ERROR.
Фильтр очереди, доступный другим пользователям.
Сохранённые фильтры пользователя.
Сохранённый фильтр в очереди процессов.
Scheduler for running single or periodical tasks.
Distribution's scripts.
Secret DAO for secrets with 32 ASCII chars, used for accessing URLs.
Web server, the entry point of the application.
Создатель контрагентов из одной базы.
Implementation of ServletResponse allowing to intercept JSP template output.
HTTP session listener, configured in web.xml.
In-memory log appender for the current user' session.
Signer supported SSH keys: 'RSA', 'ED25519'
Simple implementation of ConfigMap.
Implementation of ConnectionSet returning always the same master connection.
Slack API:
Queue sort options.
Builder of license plain text.
Database table, used by plugin.
Table data type.
Монитор, отслеживает изменения таблиц и оповещает подписавшихся слушателей.
DB table info.
Message tags config.
Configurable scheduled task.
Process assigned task to be executed right now or in future.
Scheduled task configuration.
Tasks runner.
Date ant time converting utils.
Entity with title.
Title, provided with a localizer context.
Action with localized title.
Factory of list of titled actions.
Тип трафика
Properties of process' status change.
Localizer, returning a pattern string without translation.
Process type properties.
Functions called from ui JSP taglib.
Open tool's URL on the frontend.
Application user.
Аккаунт, используемый в TransferData
Событие генерируется после изменения свойств пользователя в редактора.
Event, appeared on a user's action call.
User session data.
User session closed.
User session created.
Sends to users info about their current states: unread messages, unprocessed news.
Functions defined in util.tld JSP library.
Version checker caching remote build number.
ZIP utils.